Interested in Being a Sponsor?
Springfield Little League (SLL) is a 100% all volunteer, self supported youth baseball organization. The majority of funding needed for field and equipment expenses, league fees, and insurance comes from sponsorships and registration fees.
Is your company interested in becoming a sponsor of SLL? Do you know of a local business that might want to get involved? Sponsors receive valuable community exposure through field signs, team sponsorships and social media posts. We have several sponsorship opportunities available.
SLL is a registered non-profit, 501c3 organization and your donation is tax deductible.
Sponsorship Levels
GOLD | $775 | (2) Field Signs & Team Sponsorship |
SILVER | $600 | (1) Field Sign & (1) Team Sponsorship |
TITANIUM | $550 | (1) Banner at the Bysher Indoor Facility |
COPPER | $500 | (2) Field Signs |
BRASS | $400 | (1) Team Sponsorship |
BRONZE | $300 | (1) Field Sign |
Springfield Little League is thankful for all our supporters and will graciously accept any monetary, equipment or similar donations to help support our league. Monetary donations are used for equipment purchases, field maintenance & improvements, uniforms, umpire equipment and education, and general league expenses. Your generous sponsorship dollars provide an opportunity for children to learn the game of baseball, the value of teamwork and the responsibilities of being on a team. None of your donation goes to any type of administrative or personnel costs.
Sponsorship Documents
2025 Sponsorship Form
Please complete the 2025 Sponsorship Form above and contact our Sponsorship Coordinator:
Erica Tomasko
[email protected]
Erica is also available to speak with should you have any additional questions.
Thank you for your support!